Toffu x Rayon House for an Architect Competition

Toffu x Rayon House for an Architect Competition

Rayon has an exciting competition for students and newly graduated architects and interior designers. The "House for an Architect" competition invites you to imagine a house for one of the iconic architects: Zaha Hadid, Tadao Ando, Le Corbusier, or Frank Lloyd Wright. 

You can use the Toffu blocks we prepared for Rayon in your designs. Check out here for more information on the jury and the prizes 💻 

Key Highlights

  • Use Rayon with the pre-made template ✨
  • Create detailed and furnished drawings
  • Share the model with this mail 💌
  • Make a post on Instagram and tag with the hashtag #RayonCompetition24
  • Submission deadline is August 01, 2024, 11:59 PM ✏️

Comments (2)

  • Toffu Co on Aug 14, 2024

    Hello! The results will be announced on August 19th, 2024, at 15:00 CET. Stay tuned! 💫

  • Rowe on Aug 13, 2024

    When will the results be announced??

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