Cultivating Resilience: Nominate a Heritage Green Space Under Threat

Cultivating Resilience: Nominate a Heritage Green Space Under Threat

The World Monuments Fund (WMF) is an independent organization dedicated to preserving the world's most treasured sites and fostering mutual understanding across cultures and communities. WMF is launching a new initiative called the Cultivating Resilience program 📍

Cultivating Resilience is an international program spanning three to five years, featuring a diverse range of green spaces, both large and small. Whether referred to as “gardens,” “managed landscapes,” “cultural landscapes,” or “designed landscapes,” these sites, where humans interact with, care for, and protect plants, serve a dual purpose.

‘’They can act as treasured places where traditional knowledge and practices about strengthening climate resilience are passed down, but they can also be laboratories for trialing new and innovative practices that will help future generations adapt to a changing world.’’

WMF accepts proposals for this exciting new program 🌱

Deadline: July 31st, 2024, 12:00am EST

Results: August 31st, 2024

Selection Criteria

The proposed sites must:

  • Be actively used and valued by local communities.
  • Demonstrate that their climate-resilient knowledge or practices are under threat.
  • Address how increasing their resilience can also tackle global challenges like land degradation or the biodiversity crisis.
  • Have a clear conservation or cultivation issue that WMF support can address.
  • Lack a current climate risk assessment and/or climate adaptation plan.
  • Show potential and willingness to disseminate knowledge, share best practices, and build capacity in their region.

For more information on the program, please check out here 💻

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