NonA Unfinished Colosseum Competition

NonA Unfinished Colosseum Competition

Non Architecture invites you to envision how the Colosseum can be completed and repurposed to become an active and functional part of Rome.

They raise important questions about integrating historical preservation with contemporary design. "How can we imagine the evolution of historical landmarks? How can your design serve as a symbol of coexistence between ancient heritage and modern innovation?"

Check out here for more information ✨

Important Dates

  • Special registration period: 01-31 March
  • Early registration period⁠: 01-30 April
  • Regular registration period: 01-31 May
  • Last Minute registration period: 01 -30 June⁠
  • ⁠Submission start: 15 June
  • Submission deadline: 31 June, 23:59 CET
  • ⁠Winner announcement: 22 - 26 July, 2024

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