Line Works
Cad Detailed Clouds
Hand-drawn graphic and vector elements, made by a small team of illustrators and architects to bring life and warmth into your drawings.
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Cad blocks for your architecture & design projects
File Type: Cad
File Size: 10,3 MB
Format: AI, DWG, PSD, 3DM
Technical details: All vector drawings are resizable. You can easily change the colors and backgrounds of AI files in Adobe Illustrator or DWG files in Autodesk Autocad.
Software compatibility: Autodesk Autocad 2013 or newer.
Content: This pack includes common style recolorable and resizable cad blocks. Suitable for any project.
About: People, furniture, plants, and other scales are mostly used in sections, elevations, and plans by architects and designers.

Cad Detailed Clouds